Launch your SaaS app faster with LiftOff

Nuxt + Strapi + Stripe boilerplates for rapid development of payment-based web apps, SaaS apps, AI tools, or anything you can dream up.

Go ahead, speed up your development time by 42 hours.

$100 off w/ code “LAUNCH” for a limited time

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Create apps in days instead of weeks

Save time and launch faster by turbocharging your Nuxt / Vue.js web app with the plugins, APIs, and components you need to start building your product now instead of five days from now.

Backend is completely dockerized allowing for easy development and deploys to any server. To run locally, all you need to do is add .env variables!

Shave 42 hours off your initial development time with LiftOff!


Get $100 off with code LAUNCH for a limited time.

Why I built LiftOff

Save time and focus on building your product!

Hi, I'm Nick.

Over the last few years, I've built and launched dozens of Nuxt/Vue.js websites and apps. What I've learned along the way is that initial development isn't difficult, but it can be very time consuming.

I realized I was repeating much of my process: install plugins, create sign up and login forms, connect frontend to backend, set up DNS records, listen to stripe webhooks, create pricing tiles...

A nightmare of repetition! So I built LiftOff to help speed up the initial development process and get to launch sooner, and hopefully help you do the same.

Here's how it can help you:

  • Save time so you can focus on building your product
  • Avoid headaches and repetition
  • Accelerate your coding skills and learning
  • Get to launch and profitability faster


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Code boilerplates for web applications that use Nuxt, Strapi, OpenAI, and Stripe. Speed up your development time by 42 hours.

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